Social enterprises are usually neck deep in managing day to day operations and rarely have the bandwidth to invest time in creating marketing collateral to further their work to a wider audience. Team members wear multiple hats to make it all work. In addition to this, being skilled at using complex technology to design and develop content is often times rather challenging to such organisations. Soolkaama offers cost conscious digital solutions to design and manage your social platforms. We also have a team of media professionals who produce professional photography and videos to further promote the work you do.
- Develop scripts for stories that are relevant to your organisation. For example – artisan videos, process documentation or then beneficiary documentaries etc.
- Workshops with local teams to produce content with deep emotional quotient. This is important in order to build an honest narrative of the social issues that the organisation aims to address.
- Creative writing workshops.
- Identify story based narratives from day to day activities to develop exciting original content.
Design & Development
- Design and develop a marketing strategy.
- Design and develop a social media strategy.
- Frameworks to easily produce well written editorial posts.
- Tools to schedule, post and analyse social media activities. This knowledge can help you build your audience base while keep the marketing costs to a minimum.
- Design and develop a content management system. Without one, it is near impossible to curate and to be consistent with disseminating all the great content that your team has collated.
Media (Photos/films)
- Professional Product Photography services.
- Long form documentary content – Articles, photographs and movies.
- Narrative driven content development for fund raising, annual reports, awareness, advertising etc.
Website Development
- Design and build website to promote your organisation all for a fraction of the price charged by many IT companies out there.
- E-commerce website to sell products through your own channel.
- User focused designs to help your audience clearly understand the organisation’s vision and mission.
Case Studies
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